i had the most excellent & doctor whoest doctor who day ever yesterday. i had work for the first time on a saturday for months. but it was alright since my boss wasn't there (hence me being there..) and i managed to somehow do lots and then also wrap most of the post (as the chap who does the wrapping phoned in sick with a cold, blah) i bought some estonian ciders, and some cookies, crisps and guacamole on my lunchbreak for snacks and carl got some rum and coke and doughnuts on his way home. snackalicious. i made awesome burgers with guacamole & guyere cheese for dindins which we finished just before the new doctor who was on. whee!

my appropriate and obvious choice of outfit for the night, my the who's t-shirt from teefury! (blurry picture thanks to carl's ipod way after bed time)
after doctor who we watched x-factor which i not so secretly enjoyed and carl didn't complain during almost at all (magic of rum rum rum) and something else and then we watched the five doctors, which we got courtesy of our lovefilm subscription.

(cosmic angst!)

(no, not the mind probe!)

you have no idea how much i admire the second doctor's style. srsly.

not so impressed by sarah jane smith's mac though. or maybe it was just that mac combined with that dress. on their own; hell yes. together; not so much.
i've come to the conclusion i need some more classic doctor who in my life.
in other news, we are going to a surprise 90th birthday party tomorrow. that's two firsts for me in one go! oxfam perks.
in other news, we are going to a surprise 90th birthday party tomorrow. that's two firsts for me in one go! oxfam perks.