Friday, August 05, 2011


so yes, i went to finland last month. i've been back for a couple of weeks now but i haven't had the brain power to actually post anything about it. too many goddamn photos. but here be a little bit about the first part of my trip!

first of all i went to tampere to see the ark 'one last time'. part of my 'look' was an epic sleeve of temporary tattoos. it took us over an hour to do while waiting for the gig to actually start. it was epic, and probably one of my best bad ideas ever. though it was a bitch to get off. i still had remnants of it on my arm more than a week later, despite vigorous scrubbing. i think it was worth it though.

(after we finished the sleeve / a lot later the same night after after partying at our car on the parking lot w/ sylle)

during my travels i had knitted a little doll sort of resembling me to give to ola (the singer) to give to his little girl. sadly i didn't actually get a chance to give it to him so little tukru is still with me. somewhere in here. i might re-do her actually cos i'm not enterily happy with her hair. and some of her filling is a bit iffy = scrap yarn because i didn't have enough actual filling with me..

i don't particularly want to talk about my trip too much, i'm internally saving it all up for another issue of your pretty face. and part 2 (the goodbye part) of the ark zine. but i'll tell you this; i had excellent time on my the ark adventures. i had excellent company, and i must confess if i hadn't i would have probably been miserable for some chunks of it when things went wrong, like when it rained the whole night in vasa and the only part of me that wasn't soaked through was the top of my head (thank you trusted bowler hat!) and i'm now looking forward to actual one last time in september with these crazy bitches. i haven't actually booked the flights yet, but i'm hoping to do it this weekend. i've got the holiday booked off and everything!

maybe i'll write about the rest of it later. i don't know.


Stu said...

mää oon ainaki semmonen että musta tuntuu että jos mää alan kirjottaa kauheen yksityiskohtasia raportteja tämmösistä Legendaarisista jutuista, ni ne muuttuu jotenki emt, vähemmän Spesiaaleiksi ja Henkilökohtasiksi, että ne jotenkin katoaa... mikä on ihan tyhmää. mut siks en nykyään kirjottele mitään ylitsevuotavia juttuja paitti ehkä itelleni.

ja The Ark zinet munki pitää ehkä sulta ostaa!

Samantha said...

You have the best fashion sense & face ever.
