the hallowe'en window at my work. it's been hella busy all week.
i sort of dressed up yesterday for my trip to post office / town on saturday since i have no halloween plans this year. (still gutted about breaking my arm two weeks before halloween and missing ellie's halloween party. and tabling at a movie night thingie in london) i bought some fangs from work but damn they are so much whiter than my teeth so no vamp tukru. but i got some face paint and did this to myself:

i'm not entirely sure if i was a zombie or a ghoul or just generally dead and battered. did get quite a few funny looks in town. and compliments when i popped in at work. (actually i didn't add the white stiches til i got home and was supposed to put the pies in the oven. step away from the facepaint)

i've been meaning to post here for weeks and weeks but i never seem to know what to say or have anything to say or any pictures. or pictures of the stuff i wanted to talk about. or some other reason why it's not happening. i have new things i want to show you but my camera batteries have run out and i only just found the charger and the batteries and charged them.
i haven't been up to much, really. working, watching angel, working on the vampire sushi birthday zine (it's looking pretty damn awesome, even if i say it myself.) working some more, buying buffy comics (or as carl likes to correct me, graphic novels) off ebay, got a deck of tarot cards & borrowed a book from emma but i haven't sussed it out yet at all.
i haven't been up to much, really. working, watching angel, working on the vampire sushi birthday zine (it's looking pretty damn awesome, even if i say it myself.) working some more, buying buffy comics (or as carl likes to correct me, graphic novels) off ebay, got a deck of tarot cards & borrowed a book from emma but i haven't sussed it out yet at all.

some of the post i've had in the last few weeks.

i should really be working on vampire sushi #2 instead of writing a shitty blog entry and watching ginger snaps 2: unleashed. i need to have it ready to print tomorrow during my lunch. and i'm so not anywhere near there yet. need to get cracking! i will be launching it tomorrow, along with a special 2nd birthday giveaway. keep your eyes peeled for it tomorrow.