i went to see
wild flag last night at the lexington with my old friend
riikka. the support act was veronica falls, who also played last time when i went to the lexington to see comet gain.. not that i'm complaning! veronica falls were good, like last time. though the guitars seemed to be mixed louder than vocals and i could barely hear any of the singing... but it seems be part of their sound. wild flag were amazing. i don't even know where to start. i am incredibly sore today. i've been limping since last wednesday for am unknown reason, which wasn't made any better from dancing like a maniac all through the gig. and my neck is ever so sore from erm.. head banging. i also had a super excellent time hanging out with riikka. we did unplanned synchronized dances and talked a whole lot of rubbish in finnish. reminiscing and catching up. we need to hang out more, it's been too long and she's only in lewisham. that's not that far! return there is cheaper than to proper london. we might start a ukulele riot grrl cover band if i ever actually get one. it's weird though, i'd probably be a pretty different person if i hadn't met her on the internets some fifteen-ish years ago (at least 13)
i was supposed to go to the work christmas do tonight but i'm still super sore, and i've been in a bit of an antisocial mood and been completely confused from not getting up until noon. then again i didn't actually get home until 2am, since the last train stops everywhere. seriously, i was looking at the train stations and thinking "i'm not on the wrong train am i? i don't remember ever been through belvedere before!" oh and carl's poorly. i'm pretty sure he actually has a fever. or well, had earlier. he's less sizzling hot now. i don't want to catch anything off him. it's just not the time for me to be ill. it's december. in a toy shop. IT IS HELL. working in a toy shop will make you into a grinch, mark my words. (partial reason why i haven't been posting lately. too tired to think beyond reblogging stuff on tumblr. that and not having much to say...)
anyway, here's some pictures, you can view the full set
here on my flickr.
i only took 45 photos, but i'd totally have more if my battery hadn't run out couple of songs into wild flag. this is what happens when you don't recharge the batteries, just in case. seriously, the battery was showing up as full until i got to the venue and took 2 pictures of veronica falls. typical.
i also only recently started using my dslr again, partially because i can't find my pocket size digital camera anywhere and a little bit cos i finally got a new lense cap! it seems the last time i had used it was in the beginning of march. shameful. though to be honest, beyond being akward, massive and missing a lense cap, it had also been acting up. refusing to recognize the memory card. i took it up to college sometime in the spring to ask for advice and another riikka, whom i went to uni with who is now a technician in the photography department, tried putting a different memory card in it but it was still acting up. so i don't know what's wrong with it. usually taking the card out and putting it back in again works, after a few times.. if anyone's got any ideas what's wrong with it and how to fix it (it's a nikon D70s) let me know!
oh and this afternoon i bought me a ticket to see wild flag again in february! cos you knows i had to.