the other day (tuesday) me and emma went to poco loco to ask if we could have the little riot grrl type club night we'd been thinking about for the past month or so (secretly, i didn't wanna say anything til stuff was actually happening) and they said yes! it's happening NEXT THURSDAY. it's a bit soon but it was the best week in february to do it, and we wanted to get started / make it happen ASAP. emma's left a load of flyers in some local establishments and we're going to the art college tomorrow afternoon to do some more flyering. there's also a facebook page, twitter and a tumblr of good things. add us for news and stuff!

typical grrls is a grrrl / genderqueer friendly club night in chatham with an all grrl (fronted) playlist, cupcakes and zines.
THURSDAY 3rd FEBRUARY 2010, 8pm - 1am
at Poco Loco, 58 High Street, Chatham
(We're good to you, you can't deny it)
Zine stall from Vampire Sushi Zine Distro
All round excitingness in every corner
Emma & Tukru DJing this time.
(boys are welcome too, unless you're going to be a sexist dickhead)
Riot Grrl, Motown, Electronica and Pop Playlist includes:
Aislers Set, the B-52s, Best Coast, Beyonce, Bikini Kill, Björk, Bratmobile, the Breeders, Cat Power, Deerhoof, Elastica, Free Kitten, the Gossip, PJ Harvey, Hole, Huggy Bear, L7, Lady Gaga (Tukru likes her, alright?), the Knife, Le Tigre, Nancy Sinatra, Peaches, the Ronettes, Scout Niblett, Sleater-Kinney, the Slits, the Shangri-las, Sonic Youth (Kim's bits) the Supremes, the Raincoats, the Runaways, Velvet Underground (Mo & Nico's bits), Warpaint, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, X-ray Spex & Much Much More
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in other news, i've been working on my split zine with catherine of here. in my head, and i have been back to derby, twice! just haven't got around to writing about it. oh well. also, my brother's coming round for a visit with his lady friend who i've never met and don't even know what she looks like on sunday for a couple of days and our flat is a tip so tomorrow is being dedicated to tidying. other than that trip to town with emma of course. busy bee, for now. the i've got to finish the zine and print it in time for the brighton zine fest (19th-20th feb) celebrate carl's birthday and make him epic cupcake and so much more. it's nice being busy, but it's also fucking exhausting.